현재 모니터링 시스템을 구축하기 위해서 사용하는 라이브러리는 아래와 같다.
간단한 사용 방법을 포스팅한다 !
[1] Influx 연결
InfluxService.client = new Influx.InfluxDB({
database: database,
host: process.env.HOST,
port: port,
protocol: 'https'
schema: [{
measurement: 'response_times',
fields: {
path: Influx.FieldType.STRING,
duration: Influx.FieldType.INTEGER
tags: [ 'host' ]
const client = InfluxService.client;
InfluxDB는 데이터베이스의 쿼리를 실행가능하도록 하는 공용 인터페이스로, ORM의 레벨 하위의 드라이버 수준의 모듈로, 이 클래스에서 메서드를 호출해서 직접 쿼리하는 것이 가능하다.
인터페이스를 통해 호출 가능한 메서드들은 아래와 같다. 주로 CQ, RP, Series, Shard 등에 접근하여 작업이 가능하다.
Public Methods | |
public |
addSchema(schema: ISchemaOptions)
Adds specified schema for better fields coercing.
public |
alterRetentionPolicy(name: *, options: *): *
Alters an existing retention policy on a database.
public |
createContinuousQuery(name: *, query: *, database: *, resample: *): *
Creates a continuous query in a database
public |
createDatabase(databaseName: *): *
Creates a new database with the provided name.
public |
createRetentionPolicy(name: *, options: *): *
Creates a new retention policy on a database.
public |
createUser(username: *, password: *, admin: *): *
Creates a new InfluxDB user.
public |
dropContinuousQuery(name: *, database: *): *
Creates a continuous query in a database
public |
dropDatabase(databaseName: *): *
Deletes a database with the provided name.
public |
dropMeasurement(measurement: *, database: *): *
Removes a measurement from the database.
public |
dropRetentionPolicy(name: *, database: *): *
Deletes a retention policy and associated data.
public |
dropSeries(options: *): *
Removes a one or more series from InfluxDB.
public |
dropShard(shard_id: *): *
Drops a shard with the provided number.
public |
dropUser(username: *): *
Removes a user from the database.
public |
getDatabaseNames(): *
Returns array of database names.
public |
getMeasurements(database: *): *
Returns array of measurements.
public |
getSeries(options: *): *
Returns a list of all series within the target measurement, or from the entire database if a measurement isn't provided.
public |
getUsers(): *
Returns a list of users on the Influx database.
public |
grantAdminPrivilege(username: *): *
Grants admin privileges to a specified user.
public |
grantPrivilege(username: *, privilege: *, database: *): *
Grants a privilege to a specified user.
public |
parsePoint(point: *, options: *): {"fields": *, "tags": *, "measurement": *, "timestamp": *, "fieldsPairs": *, "tagsNames": *, "castedTimestamp": *}
ParsePoint will perform the coercions/schema checks and return the data required for writing a point.
public |
ping(timeout: *): *
Pings all available hosts, collecting online status and version info.
public |
query(query: *, options: *): *
.query() runs a query (or list of queries), and returns the results in a friendly format, IResults.
public |
queryRaw(query: *, options: *): *
QueryRaw functions similarly to .query() but it does no fancy transformations on the returned data; it calls JSON.parse and returns those results verbatim.
public |
revokeAdminPrivilege(username: *): *
Removes a admin privilege from a specified user.
public |
revokePrivilege(username: *, privilege: *, database: *): *
Removes a privilege from a specified user.
public |
setPassword(username: *, password: *): *
Sets a password for an Influx user.
public |
showContinousQueries(database: *): *
Returns a list of continous queries in the database.
public |
showRetentionPolicies(database: *): *
Shows retention policies on the database
public |
showShards(database: *): *
Shows shards on the database
public |
writeMeasurement(measurement: *, points: *, options: *): *
WriteMeasurement functions similarly to InfluxDB#writePoints, but it automatically fills in the measurement value for all points for you.
public |
writePoints(points: *, options: *): *
WritePoints sends a list of points together in a batch to InfluxDB.
Private Methods | ||
private |
_createSchema(schema: ISchemaOptions)
Creates specified measurement schema
private |
_defaultDB(): *
Returns the default database that queries operates on.
private |
_getQueryOpts(params: *, method: string): {"method": *, "path": string, "query": *}
Creates options to be passed into the pool to query databases.
[2] Influx - 라이브러리를 통한 데이터 post 예시
async writeUtilityHit(features): Promise<any> {
const client = InfluxService.client;
const data = [];
features.forEach(function (features) {
var utc_time = new Date(features.acquiredAt)
var microSecond: string = features.acquiredAt.slice(20)
console.log(Influx.toNanoDate(Math.floor(utc_time.getTime() / 1000) + microSecond + '000'))
measurement: 'utility_hit2', //app 변수로 변경 가능
tags: {
point_id: features.pointId,
feature_type_id: features.featureTypeId,
timestamp: Influx.toNanoDate(Math.floor(utc_time.getTime() / 1000) + microSecond + '000'),
fields: {
value: features.value,
real_time: features.acquiredAt,
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